New Year, New Job, & New Opportunities!

Big news for me: I have resigned from my position with Sentinel Technologies and have accepted a position with Atlantis Computing! I am now a Systems Engineer with Atlantis Computing, and I am incredibly excited to have joined the company at this time as I am sure Atlantis Computing will become a major force in the industry. I blogged about Atlantis Computing before, and I was just waiting for the right opportunity

Atlantis ILIO Persistent VDI & The New VDI Reality

Designing IT infrastructures built upon virtualization technologies takes up a good amount of my time. It is important that I keep up-to-date on the latest technologies, and when friends both from within my company and outside of it started talking about Atlantis Computing’s product Atlantis ILIO Persistent VDI I became curious. VDI solution’s storage needs are tough to size right, because unlike a server envir